Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • I can identify the characters from 1. How they look 2.what people say about them It’s also shows me how important the characters are in the movie and how vital they are as a character in book. Obviously the main characters are known for having the most talking time and the amount if other characters…

  • What devices do people use to maintain brevity when messaging/texting? How does this relate to the way we speak? Texting and messaging uses a variety of writing techniques that could change the conversations meaning or they can shorten the length of the conversation but the writing techniques can also determine the type of person you’re…

  • prepare

    just incase your wondering why I haven’t answerd questions but I have been writting pages on text and I have been bbm’ing people from differant places and countries just to see what langauge techniques they use although I would want want your feed back I amd reading over and learning from my mistake and my…

  • prepare

    one langauge feature I have never understood and don’t really know what its called is when people insert numbers in to a word, there is no need for thisnto be put in but I don’t think people do it because its cool or fashionable but to be honest it really does get on my nerves…

  • Taming of the shrew

    As the play progresses, petruchios insulting behaviour is compared to that of Katerina in the beginning (use examples) is this a fair comparison? I believe this is not a fair comparison because petruchio is just aggressive in what  He says Evan if he is wrong but Katerina is a strong willed and very blunt and…

  • In theis post I’m going to compare ban modern day cussing  to  Shakespearen cusses       Below I have attched a  scene from the taming of the shrew. Come, Kate, and wash, and welcome heartily. You whoreson villain! will you let it fall?Strikes him KATHARINA Patience, I pray you; ’twas a fault unwilling. PETRUCHIO…

  • The effectiveness of cussing in Shakespeare 2

    in the first The effectiveness of cussing in Shakespeare  post  I identified most common cusses in modern day language but mostly in my school. although they are not as powerful as Shakespeare’s cusses they are quiet effective and don’t offend people in a horrible way they are just “banter ” Noun: The playful and friendly exchange…

  • The effectiveness of cussing in Shakespeare

    In  English We have been learning the effectiveness of  cussing in Shakespeare and converting it into modern language so I have made a list of modern cusses patch pig pidgeon example bus butler kevin the kobra whitey builder 4-4-2 exsplosion

  • The Taming of the Shrew is a play within a play. The frame play, where the action opens (called the “Induction,” just prior to Act One), shows Christopher Sly drunk being kicked out by a hostess from a bar. A wealthy lord arrives, finding Sly (who introduces himself as “Christophero Sly”), and decides to play a joke…

  • This is Your Online Domain

      Hello and welcome to your personal online journal. This platform has been created to enhance and enrich your learning at the London Nautical School. Its purpose is to provide you with an audience for your work (or work-in-progress) and you have the choice (by altering the ‘visibility’ of your posts) of whether your work…

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